Citizen Satisfaction Survey

This survey aims to gauge citizen satisfaction regarding public services and local government performance.

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About this template

This Citizen Satisfaction Survey template is designed to collect feedback from citizens about their satisfaction with local government services. It utilises a combination of Customer Satisfaction (CSAT), single-select, and text area questions to garner detailed responses.

The survey begins with a CSAT question, asking respondents to rate their overall satisfaction with the local government. CSAT questions are a simple and effective way to quantify satisfaction, providing an easy-to-understand metric.

The next question is a single-select type, asking the respondent to identify which area of local government services they believe requires the most improvement. This allows the local government to understand what areas are perceived as needing more attention.

A conditional question follows, prompting respondents to elaborate on their choice if they’ve identified an area needing improvement. This helps in gaining specific insights and suggestions. The question is only presented if a specific area has been chosen, making use of conditional logic to keep the survey relevant and concise.

The survey ends with a thank you message, expressing gratitude for the respondent’s time and feedback. This leaves the respondent with a positive impression and encourages future participation.

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