Exhibitor Feedback Survey

This exhibitor feedback survey template is a survey for exhibitors who have participated in an event or trade show. Gather valuable feedback from exhibitors about their experience and satisfaction level. Use this template as a starting point and customize it to fit your specific event.

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About Exhibitor Feedback Survey Template

The Exhibitor Feedback Survey Template is designed to gather valuable feedback from exhibitors who have participated in an event or trade show. By collecting feedback from exhibitors, event organizers can gain insights into their experience, identify areas for improvement, and enhance future events.

Exhibitor Feedback Questions

The survey begins with questions about overall satisfaction and the likelihood of recommending the event to other exhibitors. Exhibitors are then given the opportunity to provide more detailed feedback and suggestions for improvement.

The survey also includes questions about the support and assistance provided by event organizers, the quality of attendee foot traffic, the convenience and accessibility of the venue, and the organization and logistics of the event.

Exhibitors are asked to rank different aspects of the event in order of importance and share the highlight of their experience. The survey concludes with a question about receiving updates about future events.

Customize and Enhance

This template is fully customizable to fit the specific needs of your event. You can add, remove, or modify questions to gather the feedback that is most relevant to your event. By analyzing the responses, you can identify areas of improvement and make data-driven decisions to enhance future events.


Collecting feedback from exhibitors is crucial for event organizers to understand their needs, improve the exhibitor experience, and create successful events. Use the Exhibitor Feedback Survey Template to gather valuable insights and ensure that your event meets the expectations of exhibitors.

Frequently asked questions

Can I customize the survey questions?

Absolutely! The survey template is fully customizable. You can add, remove, or modify questions to fit the specific needs of your event and gather the feedback that is most relevant to you.

How can I use the feedback from exhibitors?

The feedback from exhibitors is valuable for improving future events. By analyzing the responses, you can identify areas for improvement, address any issues or concerns raised by exhibitors, and enhance the overall exhibitor experience.

Can I track the responses and analyze the data?

Yes, TRACX provides analytics and reporting features that allow you to track and analyze the responses from exhibitors. This data can provide valuable insights for event evaluation and decision-making.

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