Page Templates
Choose from 219 ready-made page templates & examples
Build you own, or get started in seconds with our customisable templates
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Simple Insta Links
Create a simple landing page with links to your Instagram content.
Simple Lead Capture Page
A simple and effective landing page template designed to capture leads.
Simple Report Squeeze Page
A landing page template designed to capture leads by offering a simple report in exchange for contact information.
Simple Webinar Registration Page
A clean and effective landing page template for webinar registration.
Single-Screen Webinar Page
A landing page template designed for webinars, featuring a single-screen layout for easy navigation and engagement.
Site Coming Soon Page
A landing page template to inform visitors that the site is coming soon.
Small Business Saturday Contest Promo Page
Promote your Small Business Saturday contest with this eye-catching landing page template. Engage your audience and generate excitement for your event.
Smart Course Sales Page
A high-converting landing page template designed to promote and sell online courses.
Smart Product Sales Page
A high-converting sales page template designed to promote and sell smart products.
Social Media Connect Page
A one-stop hub for users to connect with your brand across all social media platforms, fostering community engagement and enhanced brand visibility.
Social Media Landing Page
A high-converting landing page template designed to promote social media profiles and engage with the audience.
Social Network Landing Page
A dedicated landing page optimised for driving user interaction and engagement on your social media profiles. Seamlessly integrates key social platforms, actionable CTAs, and user testimonials.
Social Share Page
A landing page template designed to encourage social media sharing and engagement.
Software Promo Page
A landing page template designed to promote software products and services.
Solar Resource Guide Page
A comprehensive guide to solar energy resources, benefits, and installation process.
Sold Out Page
A landing page template to inform visitors that a product or event is sold out.
Sporty Ebook Page
A landing page template for promoting and selling sporty ebooks.
Startup Lead Generation Page
A highly optimized landing page designed to attract potential leads and investors for startups. Features strong CTAs, product demos, testimonials, and more.
Super Basic Squeeze Page
A simple and effective squeeze page template to capture leads and build your email list.
Testimonial Page
A landing page template designed to showcase testimonials from satisfied customers and build trust with potential customers.
Thanks for Signing Up Page
A landing page template to thank users for signing up and provide them with valuable information.
The Perfect Contest Squeeze Page
Create a high-converting contest squeeze page to generate leads and grow your email list.
The Perfect Squeeze Page
Create a high-converting squeeze page with the perfect elements to capture leads and grow your email list.
The Point Page
A high-converting landing page template designed to captivate and engage your audience, driving them to take action.