Law Firm Client Satisfaction Survey

A comprehensive client satisfaction survey designed to gather feedback on various aspects of a law firm's services, helping to improve client experience and service delivery.

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About this template

This template is designed for law firms aiming to measure their client satisfaction. It starts with a Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) question, which asks clients to rate their overall satisfaction with the services provided. This type of question provides a quick snapshot of client sentiment and can indicate whether there are any immediate issues to address.

This is followed by open-ended text questions asking what the client likes most about the services, and what areas they think could be improved. These questions allow clients to express their opinions freely, providing qualitative insights that can uncover specific areas for improvement.

A single-select question then asks whether the services met the clients’ expectations. This is a crucial question as it can reveal the gap between client expectations and the actual service delivered. If the services did not meet expectations, a conditional textarea question is displayed asking the client to provide more information. This provides an opportunity for clients to elaborate on their experiences, providing deeper insights and more detailed feedback for the law firm to action.

This survey ends with a message thanking the client for their time and feedback. It’s always important to end the survey on a positive note and make the respondent feel appreciated. Use this template as a starting point for your law firm’s client satisfaction survey, and adjust it as necessary to fit your specific needs.

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