Restaurant Mystery Shop Survey

A comprehensive survey designed for mystery shoppers to evaluate and provide feedback on their restaurant experience.

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About this template

The Restaurant Mystery Shop Survey has been meticulously curated to assist restaurants in understanding their service quality, ambiance, and food through the eyes of a mystery shopper. Mystery shopping has been an invaluable tool in the hospitality sector to gain unbiased, authentic insights.

The star-rating questions provide a quick quantitative feedback on cleanliness and food quality. The granularity of feedback is essential because these factors significantly influence a diner’s overall impression of a restaurant.

With single-select and textarea questions, you can gauge the speed and quality of service, respectively. Quick greetings and professional servers often lead to positive dining experiences. Additionally, the textarea questions provide a platform for detailed feedback, ensuring the nuances of the experience aren’t lost.

The thumbs question gauges proactive service – a significant component of dining out. Being asked for refills or additional needs can make a diner feel attended to and valued.

The NPS (Net Promoter Score) question is a powerful metric, giving a snapshot of how likely the mystery shopper is to recommend the restaurant based on their undercover experience. This is a strong indicator of the overall impression the restaurant left on the shopper.

When utilizing this template, restaurants get a holistic picture of their operations from a customer’s perspective. The insights can guide improvements, ensuring diners are consistently receiving the best possible experience.

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